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Polkadot ecosystem

Web3 Foundation:

  • Foundation behind Polkadot, Kusama, Substrate,..

  • Hired CEO, CLO, CFO

  • set up ecosystem recruiting support (see below; Substrate builders program)


  • Builders of Polkadot, Substrate, Signer, Kusama

  • Hired CMO, VP Engineering, VP Special Projects, VP Talent, Head of Education

  • Hired several Rust and protocol engineers in Europe

Substrate Builders Program:

  • The Substrate Builders Program connects builders and projects on substrate with resources from Parity, Web3 Foundation and partners.

  • missing-link.io and heads.io set up the talent support function providing our service to all substrate builders projects

  • We consulted and collaborated with dozens of founders and projects, assisting them in hiring their first employees, guiding them through growth challenges, and helping them build their product and tech teams and hire executive talent (e.g. Centrifuge; see below)

  • Furthermore, we developed the first ecosystem ATS, trufflepig, that enables any project and us to share its or our candidates in a compliant manner with the entire ecosystem. It also provides an easy-to-use candidate pipeline and gives the foundation an overview of the hiring efforts and pipelines across the ecosystem.